Author: SR Staley

SR Staley has one more than 11 literary awards for his fiction and nonfiction writing. He is on the full-time faculty of the College and Social Sciences and Public Policy at Florida State University as well as a film critic and research fellow at the Independent Institute in Oakland, California. His award-winning Pirate of Panther Bay series ( has won awards in historical fiction, mainstream & literary fiction, young adult fiction, and reached the finals in women's fiction. His most recent book is "The Beatles and Economics: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and the Making of a Cultural Revolution" due out in April 2020 (Routledge).

Your Book Costs How *#&! Much? Part 2

This is the second post in a three-part series on how to realistically price books…

 Posted in Keys to Success, Marketing, Pirate of Panther Bay, Publishing

Your Book Costs How *#&! Much? Part 1

As a professional economist, I thought I knew something about pricing. The higher the price,…

 Posted in A Warrior's Soul, Marketing, Pirate of Panther Bay

Thoughts About Dialogue

I recently had the pleasure of seeing the movie Atlas Shrugged: Part 1, an independent…

 Posted in writing and storytelling

Five Hard Lessons From A Free E-Book Experiment

Back in 2006, when my first novel, The Pirate of Panther Bay, was released (kindle…

 Posted in Keys to Success, Marketing

The Primacy of Self-Editing

With six books under my belt, I’ve learned the importance of self-editing (as well as…

 Posted in Editing Layout and Formating, Keys to Success, Publishing

Big Publishers: What Are They Good For?

The New York Times recently ran an inspiring story about writer Amanda Hocking (March 24,…

 Posted in Publishing

The Challenge of Book Positioning

One of the more difficult and important tasks in writing a book, whether fiction or…

 Posted in Marketing, SR Staley

The long, hard road to overnight success

As writers, we are always hoping for literary and commercial success. And we dream of…

 Posted in Keys to Success, Marketing, SR Staley Tagged , , , , , , ,