Category: Reviews
New Novel, “Counteract,” Asks What We Would Do to Preserve Our Freedom
My friend Tracy Lawson is launching her newest dystopian thriller, Counteract, the first of a…
Tracy Lawson launches new book
On Tuesday, August 5th, novelist Tracy Lawson launches her new novel Counteract. Check out this…
The Craftsmanship of “Counting Backwards”
Laura Lascarso‘s debut novel, Counting Backwards, is the kind of book that reminds you that…
Why Sci Fi Films Don’t Measure Up to the Classic Sci Fi Books
I have a few thoughts on why contemporary science fiction films like Star Trek: Into…
Putting the “Great” in the Great Gatsby
I recently was reminded how much movie actors can change characters and meanings in books…
“Land Without Mirrors” engages, challenges readers
My review of Land Without Mirrors by Marina Brown has appeared on the Tallahassee Democrat’s…
Review of The Mother Teresa of Tallahassee’s autobiography
My review of Rev. Bernyce Clausell’s autobiography No Time to Die appears in the Tallahassee…
Fiction and Storytelling as a Way of Visualizing Success
Authors are often surprised by the reactions of readers who seem to find things in…
“Renegade” Wins 2nd Place in National Competition
“Renegade” Wins 2nd Place in National Literary Competition Middle Grade Novel Explores Bullying, Urban Gangs…