Tag: Isabella

Is Katniss Everdeen a strong female character?

I have now seen all four Hunger Games movies and read all three books, and…

 Posted in A Warrior's Soul, Books, Characters development, Heroes and villains, Pirate of Panther Bay, Renegade, SR Staley, St. Nic Inc, Teen & YA fiction, Tortuga Bay, writing and storytelling Tagged , , , , , , , , , , ,

Tortuga Bay Launches Isabella into Voodoo and Revolution

The official release date is set for Tortuga Bay, the sequel to The Pirate of Panther Bay:…

 Posted in Book Signings, Channeling Isabella + Sailing, Pirate of Panther Bay, Teen & YA fiction, Tortuga Bay Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Why I believe in magic and fairytales at age 21

By Claire W. Staley When one turns 21, as I did recently, one is expected…

 Posted in Books, Teen & YA fiction, writing and storytelling Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Pirate of Panther Bay: “A Thrilling Caribbean Ride”

An excellent review of The Pirate of Panther Bay by award-winning young adult author M.R….

 Posted in Channeling Isabella + Sailing, Pirate of Panther Bay, Reviews, Tortuga Bay Tagged , , , , , , , , ,