Female Characters in Children’s Fiction

I recently read an article co-authored by Florida State University sociologist Janice McCabe about gender…

 Posted in A Warrior's Soul, writing and storytelling

Secret (Literary) Agent Math

Ever wonder why literary agents and book publishers don’t take on your awesome, life changing…

 Posted in Marketing, Publishing Tagged , , , ,

“A Warrior’s Soul” Now Available for Ordering!

I’m pleased to announce that A Warrior’s Soul, my new novel, is now availiable for…

 Posted in A Warrior's Soul, SR Staley Tagged , , , , , , , ,

The Humbling Truth about Choosing Book Covers

As an author, I’ve been fortunate because I’ve had substantial input in the design of…

 Posted in A Warrior's Soul, Editing Layout and Formating, Marketing

When Reality Meets Fiction: Guns & Vigilante Justice

A sad story playing out in Oklahoma City reminds me of how fiction and reality…

 Posted in violence and bullying, writing and storytelling

A Note on My “Successful” Books

I realized after publishing the last several posts, all of which seemed to highlight the…

 Posted in Publishing, SR Staley

Your Book Costs How *#&! Much? Part 3

My previous posts on book pricing covered the importance of marketing and distribution systems (Part…

 Posted in A Warrior's Soul, Marketing, Pirate of Panther Bay, Publishing

Your Book Costs How *#&! Much? Part 2

This is the second post in a three-part series on how to realistically price books…

 Posted in Keys to Success, Marketing, Pirate of Panther Bay, Publishing

Your Book Costs How *#&! Much? Part 1

As a professional economist, I thought I knew something about pricing. The higher the price,…

 Posted in A Warrior's Soul, Marketing, Pirate of Panther Bay

Thoughts About Dialogue

I recently had the pleasure of seeing the movie Atlas Shrugged: Part 1, an independent…

 Posted in writing and storytelling