Tag: sailing

Blog posts related to sailing

Introducing “Channeling Isabella + Sailing”

A blog channel on my adventures as a sailor, maritime related movies, and other resources.

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The tragedy and drama of life at sea in Adrift

The opening scenes of the movie Adrift (2018) are riveting and sobering. The lead character,…

 Posted in Channeling Isabella + Sailing, Drama, Film Reviews, Films, Showing vs telling, writing and storytelling Tagged , , , , , , , ,

Why CODA‘s heart and mainstream coming-of-age story upended Hollywood

When CODA took the award for Best Picture at the 94th Academy Awards, more than…

 Posted in Channeling Isabella + Sailing, Coming of Age, Film Reviews, Films Tagged , , , , , ,

What sailing ships tell us about storytelling

As a kid, I was fascinated by sailboats and sailing ships. I loved reading adventure…

 Posted in Books, Channeling Isabella + Sailing, Showing vs telling, Writers & Writing, writing and storytelling Tagged , , , ,

St Augustine Pirate and Treasure Museum Educates, Inspires

I finally achieved a major objective since moving to Florida: I visited the St. Augustine…

 Posted in Channeling Isabella + Sailing, Pirates Tagged , , , , ,

Five ways the Pirates of the Caribbean films misrepresent real pirates

I recently watched Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales and had to…

 Posted in Channeling Isabella + Sailing, Film Reviews, Historical fiction, Pirate of Panther Bay, Tortuga Bay, writing and storytelling Tagged , , , , , , ,