Category: Channeling Isabella + Sailing

At the helm on Apalachee Bay of Shell Point, Florida

Channeling Isabella is a blog theme and quick guide to my sailing adventures and interests. It features blog posts and resources related to maritime focused movies, experiences, and adventures (including pirates).

The theme is inspired by Isabella, the main character of my historical fiction series The Pirate of Panther Bay (Southern Yellow Pine Publishing)

Introducing “Channeling Isabella + Sailing”

A blog channel on my adventures as a sailor, maritime related movies, and other resources.

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The tragedy and drama of life at sea in Adrift

The opening scenes of the movie Adrift (2018) are riveting and sobering. The lead character,…

 Posted in Channeling Isabella + Sailing, Drama, Film Reviews, Films, Showing vs telling, writing and storytelling Tagged , , , , , , , ,

Why CODA‘s heart and mainstream coming-of-age story upended Hollywood

When CODA took the award for Best Picture at the 94th Academy Awards, more than…

 Posted in Channeling Isabella + Sailing, Coming of Age, Film Reviews, Films Tagged , , , , , ,

The Lighthouse mixes horror and psychology in time for the holidays

The Lighthouse is a spotlights top notch performances by Willem Defoe and Robert Pattinson in this psychological horror film.

 Posted in Channeling Isabella + Sailing, Drama, Film Reviews, Horror Tagged , , , , , , , ,

The story behind the cover of Calusa Spirits

The cover for Calusa Spirits is great, and I think thing it’s the best one…

 Posted in Channeling Isabella + Sailing, Historical fiction, Pirate of Panther Bay, Teen & YA fiction, Tortuga Bay Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

What sailing ships tell us about storytelling

As a kid, I was fascinated by sailboats and sailing ships. I loved reading adventure…

 Posted in Books, Channeling Isabella + Sailing, Showing vs telling, Writers & Writing, writing and storytelling Tagged , , , ,

St Augustine Pirate and Treasure Museum Educates, Inspires

I finally achieved a major objective since moving to Florida: I visited the St. Augustine…

 Posted in Channeling Isabella + Sailing, Pirates Tagged , , , , ,

Five ways the Pirates of the Caribbean films misrepresent real pirates

I recently watched Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales and had to…

 Posted in Channeling Isabella + Sailing, Film Reviews, Historical fiction, Pirate of Panther Bay, Tortuga Bay, writing and storytelling Tagged , , , , , , ,

Review: Pirates of the Caribbean 5: Dead Men Tell No Tales

Reminding myself that the Pirates of the Caribbean film franchise was inspired by a theme-park…

 Posted in Adventure, Books, Channeling Isabella + Sailing, Fantasy, Film Reviews, Films, Historical (Actual), Showing vs telling Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

Isabella and Tortuga Bay close out 2016 with a boom!

The year 2016 will be logged as one of the most successful in my writing…

 Posted in Awards, Awards, Books, Channeling Isabella + Sailing, Marketing, Teen & YA fiction, Tortuga Bay Tagged , , , , , , ,